Learning Resource Management & Development System

Goal: To contribute to the improvement in the quality of and access to basic education in the school system.

Purpose: To develop, support and strengthen education management and learning support systems for improved access to quality basic education.

It has four (4) components, with two-cross cutting themes, Quality Assurance and Access/Equity underpinning and guiding all project activities, namely:

Component 1: School-Based Management Support System: Development of a functional management support system for continuing school improvement at regional, division and school levels.

Component 2: Human resource Development (INSET) System: Development of a Regional HR-INSET system for quality professional development of teachers.

Component 3: Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS): Development of LRMDS to provide access to quality teaching and learning resources.

Component 4: Project Management: Manage the Project in an effective, efficient and responsive manner.



The Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) is designed to support increased distribution and access to learning, teaching and professional development resources at the Region, Division and School/Cluster levels of DepED.

The LRMDS provides access to quality resources from the Regions, Divisions, Cluster/School level: including,

  • information on quantity and quality and location of textbooks and supplementary materials, and cultural expertise,
  • access to learning, teaching and professional development resources in digital format and locates resources in print format and hard copy,
  • standards, specifications and guidelines for assessing & evaluating, acquiring & harvesting, modification, development and production of resources

It is also a quality assurance system providing support to DepED Regions, Divisions and Schools in the selection and acquisition of quality digital and non-digital resources in response to identified local educational needs.



Learning Resources Management and Development System Framework v1.0 (PDF)
This Framework for Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS) describes the standards, processes and guidelines of the systems developed to support implementation by DepED Central Office, Regions, Divisions and Schools initially within the CARAGA Region

Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Assessment and Evaluation (PDF)
These guidelines describe processes for identification of materials to be procured, redeveloped or reproduced and is designed to support schools, divisions, and regions:
1. in identifying learning, teaching and professional development resource needs;
2. reviewing and recommending resources for acquisition and procurement;
3. identifying existing resources for reproduction and or redevelopment;
4. evaluating teacher developed materials for local use and shared distribution via LRMDS

Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Development and Production (PDF)
These guidelines describe processes to support local development and or production of learning, teaching and professional development materials by the regions, divisions and schools. The guidelines, processes and templates are provided to:
1. support local design and redevelopment of existing DepED owned learning and teaching resources by the region in response to identified needs of schools

2. develop on behalf of Regional NEAP training and development resources and or PDMs for distribution via LRMDS
3. support modification and translation of resources into mother tongue
4. support reproduction of online and offline resources for distribution.