PHILIPPINE CULTURE-BASED EDUCATION - Responding to the challenge

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Source: USEC Presentation:

Durungawan: Towards framing a culture-based education

Durungawan of PNU:

Philippine Cultural Education Program (PCEP)

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Learning Resource Management & Development System

Goal: To contribute to the improvement in the quality of and access to basic education in the school system.

Purpose: To develop, support and strengthen education management and learning support systems for improved access to quality basic education.

It has four (4) components, with two-cross cutting themes, Quality Assurance and Access/Equity underpinning and guiding all project activities, namely:

Component 1: School-Based Management Support System: Development of a functional management support system for continuing school improvement at regional, division and school levels.

Component 2: Human resource Development (INSET) System: Development of a Regional HR-INSET system for quality professional development of teachers.

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