In a world where education meets the home, Catch-up Fridays provide students with a precious opportunity to reflect, discuss, and explore the depths of literature. Through the pages of books, learners embark on journeys of self-discovery, finding solace and inspiration in the power of storytelling.

In the face of weather-related obstacles, students in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) are demonstrating remarkable adaptability in their transition to distance learning. Amidst this shift, initiatives such as Catch-Up Fridays have emerged as vital platforms for academic enrichment and community engagement.

As we delve into the rich tapestry of literature and spirituality, let us not forget the profound influence of poetry in shaping our values and beliefs. In line with the Department of Education's commitment to the Integration of Values Education and the spirit of Catch-up Fridays, Agusan del Sur National High School celebrates the timeless beauty of poetry and its significance in nurturing the soul.